Seat Spot are creating welcoming high streets for everyone
Local charity Seat Spot are calling on businesses to help them create accessible, welcoming high streets for all visitors by providing a ‘Seat Spot’ for those who need it.
What is Seat Spot?
Formed in 2020, Seat Spot are a local charity working with retailers, shopping centres and councils across the UK to encourage them to provide seats within their premises which can be used by people of all ages with mobility and fatigue issues. Customers can then access these ‘Seat Spots’ without having to explain why they need to sit down.
There are very few stores and public buildings with seating for customers. This creates a barrier for customers of all ages who have mobility, fatigue or health issues. Seat Spot want businesses to understand that by offering accessible seating, their business can be more inclusive and have a far reaching impact on a significant cross section of people in local communities.
Seat Spot’s Aim
Seat Spot exists to encourage retailers, shops and councils to think about creating accessible spaces for all.
From large, multinational stores to smaller, independent high street retailers, retail parks and shopping centres, businesses are encouraged to become a ‘Seat Spot’ and provide a few permanent, accessible seats within their premises, away from the changing rooms, so that customers with mobility and fatigue issues can still enjoy shopping in the same way that able bodied people can.
Business Support
Seat Spot can provide guidance to businesses on the most suitable types of seating including height and arm support so that the seating is accessible for all. They will also provide signage for your business so you can show that you provide a Seat Spot and highlight why seats are available to help spread the word and encourage others to provide the same.

By creating an inclusive environment for everyone, shoppers and businesses benefit!
How to become a Seat Spot
If your business is keen to be involved in this initiative and create an accessible Seat Spot for those who need it, please visit the Seat Spot website and get in touch with the team today.
Let’s help make Midlothian high streets accessible for all!