Business Regulatory Support Service (BRSS)

Midlothian businesses can now access the Business Regulatory Support Service (BRSS) through the Business Gateway Midlothian service. This service provides businesses with a single point of contact for advice on regulations, from food safety and licensing to planning and building standards.

The BRSS includes access to and support from the following council services:

  • Environmental Health
  • Trading Standards
  • Licensing
  • Building Standards
  • Planning
  • Business Gateway/ Economic Development

The aim of the service is to:

  • Provide reliable, transparent advice that supports compliance
  • Provide advice appropriate to each businesses circumstances
  • Provide clear advice that can be easily understood and implemented
  • Distinguish legal requirements from suggested good practice
  • Ensure that any verbal advice a business receives is confirmed in writing

The BRSS is available to established Midlothian based businesses, businesses looking to re-locate to Midlothian and those planning to start a business in Midlothian.

Businesses can expect the following initial response times from the BRSS:

  • Initial contact with Business Gateway: response within 2 working days
  • Report compiled and referral by Business Gateway to relevant services: within 2 working days
  • Response and verbal advice provided by relevant services: contact within 2 working days
  • Written report by relevant services emailed to business: within 3 working days of contact by service

Contact the Business Regulatory Support Service

Email and an adviser will be in touch to discuss your needs and process your request.

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