The Midlothian Business Carbon Charter supports Midlothian Council’s Net Zero 2030 goal and recognises the importance of Scotland’s wider Net Zero 2045 targets, encouraging local businesses to do their bit so that collectively as a region we can achieve this together.

Commit to the Midlothian Green Pledge

We are asking businesses to join us and make their commitment to operating in a more sustainable way.

When you commit to the Green Pledge our Business Gateway Midlothian team will support your business, connecting you to expert advice from partner agencies, signposting information and highlighting funds to facilitate environmental infrastructure improvements.

The Green Pledge supports and encourages businesses to play their part in operating in an environmentally friendly way whilst often benefiting from cost efficiencies at the same time.

Every Midlothian business that commits to the Midlothian Business Green Pledge receives:

  • Their logo, business name and website link on a dedicated webpage on the Locate in Midlothian website
  • Social media posts acknowledging their pledge on Locate in Midlothian and Business Gateway Midlothian’s social media channels
  • Features in articles about their business and changes they’ve made on Locate in Midlothian
  • Dedicated adviser support and access to environmental partners via Business Gateway Midlothian
  • Midlothian Business Green Pledge branding to host on their website and marketing materials.

By committing to the Midlothian Business Green Pledge you agree to;

  • Switch to a 100% renewable energy supplier at contract renewal or earlier
  • Review and reduce your energy use such as switching off IT at the end of the day, using energy efficient LED light bulbs, switching your heating down a degree.
  • Encourage your employees to use active transport such as walking or cycling to work
  • Review your work practices – encourage work from home where possible
  • Switch to green products – paper instead of plastic wherever possible
  • Re-use and recycle equipment, waste and products

Once you’ve signed up to the Midlothian Business Green Pledge our Business Gateway Midlothian team will work with you to review your operations and help you to create a bespoke Green Action Plan for your business.

Benefits of Signing the Midlothian Business Green Pledge

  • Reduce damaging carbon and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Positive PR and business visibility
  • Reduce business overheads
  • Maintain competitiveness
  • Spread the climate change message and Scotland’s Net Zero 2045 goal
  • Boost your environmental credentials
  • Engage with climate change aware consumers with significant buying power
  • Celebrate and receive accolades for your green achievements