Sign up to the Midlothian Business Green Pledge

Show your business's dedication to improving environmental performance and receive support from our business advisers to help you realise increased efficiencies and cost savings.

Read about the Midlothian Business Carbon Charter and Green Pledge and commit to making your business greener and more environmentally friendly below.

Sign the Midlothian Business Green Pledge

Every Midlothian business that commits to the Midlothian Business Green Pledge receives:

  • Their logo, business name and website link on a dedicated webpage on the Locate in Midlothian website
  • Social media posts acknowledging their pledge on Locate in Midlothian and Business Gateway Midlothian’s social media channels
  • Features in articles about their business and changes they’ve made on Locate in Midlothian
  • Dedicated advisor support and access to environmental partners via Business Gateway Midlothian
  • Midlothian Business Green Pledge branding to host on their website and marketing materials.