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Business Gateway Midlothian Webinars: 1st – 7th March 2021

If you’re thinking of starting your own business, have an idea but are not sure how to get it off the ground or perhaps are in need of some support with your marketing or finances, Business Gateway Midlothian have a range of webinars to help you.

It may be a challenging time to start a business but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Plus, there are numerous businesses thriving and just as many diversifying their products to fit the ‘new normal’. So, don’t think of this as a time to shelve your ideas, now may just be the right time to bring your dream to fruition.

Discover Business Gateway Midlothian’s upcoming webinars, all running next week, 1st – 7th March.

Business Start-Up: Marketing – Webinar

Monday 1st March 2021, 2pm – 4pm

You have your business idea, have registered your business and are keen to get started but, how do you get your name out there and get people interested in your products or service? Our Business Start Up Marketing webinar will help you to identify your target customers, understand what your competitors offer (and what sets you apart!) and give you the skills needed to create an effective marketing plan to help you communicate what your business does, to the right people, at the right time, to encourage sales.

Having a marketing plan gives you goals to work towards and structures your thoughts and ideas to help you to get your name out there.

Sign up today and learn all you need to know about marketing your start up business.

Business Start-Up: Finance Webinar

Wednesday 3rd March 2021, 6pm – 8pm

Take the time to understand all things revenue and profit related for your business now so that you understand your business finances for the long term. You will learn how to manage your profit and loss account, where to access different sources of finance to launch your business and the right legal structure for you and your business model.

Getting to grips with your finances early in your business planning will give you the confidence to manage your spend, income and processing effectively. You’ll know exactly what you have available and when, the key to efficient budgeting.

Book your space today and be in control of your business finances from the outset.

Starting a Business in Challenging Times

Thursday 4th March 2021, 10am – 12pm

If you’ve been made redundant, have a business idea you’ve been sitting on or are looking to go it alone, this webinar gives you everything you need to know and think about for setting up your business at the moment. There are still opportunities for businesses to thrive even during a pandemic, so why not join us as we introduce you to the key steps to plan and prepare your start-up proposition and show you what support is available to help you.

This could be the first step on your journey to being a successful business owner so register today!

Women into Business 1: Building a Successful Business Webinar

Saturday 6th March 2021, 10am – 12pm

Monday 8th March is International Women’s Day. Join us for a special look at how you can put the foundations in place to build your own successful, woman-led business. We’ll give you tools to develop your confidence and manage your time effectively to get the best out of yourself, and others. You’ll be encouraged to explore your motivation, work out what excites you about your business and what you want to achieve.

Book your place on this special webinar today and join other women in business in the run up to International Women’s Day.


We have a variety of webinars next week that you can attend free of charge, to develop your business skills, digital presence and keep your business one step ahead of the competition.

Upcoming Business Gateway Midlothian Webinars available to book now

Business Survival – Advice, tips and actions you can take right now

Paid for Advertising – DigitalBoost Webinar

Video Production for Social Media – DigitalBoost Webinar

Marketing your business on a budget

Web and Social Media Analytics – DigitalBoost

International Women’s Day Networking

Bookkeeping & finance: The essentials for business

Improve Your Business Content Writing Webinar

Structuring Your Business Finances Webinar

Creating and Marketing Digital Products – Webinar

Restructuring your business for 2021

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