Could your business help change the lives of Midlothian young people this year? 

Join our virtual event on the 22nd May to hear about Career Ready, a social mobility charity running a two-year programme that empowers young people in S5/S6 to kick-start their chosen career through a series of authentic workplace experiences and a network of support. 

Career Ready are looking to connect pupils from Midlothian high schools with local businesses for mentoring and a 4-week internship to build their confidence and realise their potential.  

Rose King Regional Manager for Edinburgh and the Lothians will be discussing the impact of the programme, how your organisation and people can get involved and the benefits of doing so. 

Date: Wednesday 22nd May 

Time: 2pm – 3pm  

Location: Online 

Please note this programme is suited to businesses with 10 or more employees.

Register today and hear how your business can support young people in Midlothian! 

Career Ready in Midlothian - Register your attendance