EyeSupply and Kontroll Solutions worked with Business Gateway over the last year creating increased opportunities for growth and development, and mutually beneficial link ups for both companies.

Eyesupply Limited is an established independent business distributing ophthalmic medical devices and procedure packs. The Company’s challenges include inventory management and compliance with medical device industry requirements where traceability of product is a key issue. The company was seeking to streamline its systems and centralise data recording so had been looking for a cloud-based system. This would allow the Company to be as efficient as possible while freeing up time to pursue business development opportunities. While understanding the potential benefits of new systems, the Company did not have the specialist skills to implement the change.

Kontroll Solutions Ltd is a relatively new local consultancy company providing cloud-based business software. Their expertise in the products available, their management and the business efficiencies they can provide allow them to help build a solution suitable for their customers while still being at the end of the phone or just down the road for any questions, training or adjustments as required.

Kontroll Solutions LTD were introduced to Eyesupply Limited as they looked for a cloud based solution to help drive their business forward. Eyesupply knew that having systems and processes in place now would help with their business control and be the foundation for growth and efficiencies in the future.

Eyesupply Limited and Kontroll Solutions Ltd, being at different stages, one established and the other a new start, had different consultants at Business Gateway but communication in the team alluded to a solution for Eyesupply. The consultant had already reached out to the wider business support eco-system to find a solution for Eyesupply but hadn’t been successful so the timing was perfect when Michael approached BG for start-up support.  This provided a touch of the button solution for Eyesupply Limited and a new client, and industry, for Kontroll Solutions Ltd. With an exceptionally quick turnaround, from introduction to implementation and operation of just 1 month, Kontroll Solutions have provided Eyesupply Limited with local support for their cloud-based system, greater control of their stock and compliance processes and released precious time to focus on generating more business. A real Midlothian business success story!

Discover how Business Gateway Midlothian could help your business.

Image: View across Midlothian from The National Mining Museum