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Discretionary fund to help support small businesses in Midlothian

Small or micro businesses in Midlothian may be eligible for support from a newly launched COVID-19 discretionary fund.

Financed by the Scottish Government, the fund is aimed at those who have not been able to get any other grant support or can show that they have not received enough to keep them in a viable trading position. Small businesses who supply goods or services to retail, hospitality and leisure businesses required to close or restricted by law due to COVID-19 may also be eligible.

Discretionary Fund Grants of £1,500

Administered by Midlothian Council, the discretionary fund provides one-off grants of £1,500 to those who meet the funding criteria. Although it is open for applications until Friday 5 March, funding is limited and eligible businesses are encouraged to apply early.

Midlothian Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Councillor Russell Imrie, welcomed the launch of the new fund.

“This funding will be welcomed by those small businesses in the area who have been severely impacted but the Coronavirus restrictions but, since October, have been unable to get the assistance they need from sector-specific government grants,” said Councillor Imrie. “Although this is a discretionary fund administered by the council, we do have to follow government guidelines in allocating funding. It will however, allow us to direct some additional support to businesses within our own community who are experiencing severe financial challenges.”

To find out more about who is eligible for the discretionary fund and to apply online, visit 

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