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Does your business recognise the importance of volunteering?

Volunteering has long been a CV enhancing attribute but, does your business consider this experience in your recruitment process?

Volunteer Midlothian is working with public and private sector businesses across Midlothian to ensure this valuable asset is recognised in job applications and interviews. With many young people encouraged to take up a volunteer role, this invaluable experience could bring key skills, knowledge and talent to your business.

Volunteer Midlothian

Volunteer Midlothian is the leading agency for volunteering development in Midlothian. Providing advice and guidance to both volunteers and organisations, they can support those looking for opportunities and help businesses access volunteers, provide opportunities for staff and guide the inclusion and understanding of the experience volunteers can bring to a business.

Volunteering on CVs and Applications

Volunteer Midlothian is working with HR departments of Midlothian Council, Edinburgh College Midlothian Campus and has had initial discussions with the Fire and Rescue Service and Midlothian Business Gateway to recognise volunteering in their recruitment process.

They are keen to encourage as many businesses across Midlothian as possible to include volunteer experience within their job applications and interview processes. This opens up paid work opportunities for volunteers and creates a wider talent pool for businesses.

Simply including “volunteering experience or unpaid work which may be relevant to your application” on application forms and job adverts can give those with the experience the chance to showcase the amazing volunteer work they have done.

Experience and Life Skills your Business Wants

To help Volunteer Midlothian offer the right opportunities to help expand CVs and provide valuable learning for volunteers, they want to find out what your business is looking for. Is there specific experience, skills or talents that you would look for? What skills do you feel volunteers could gain that would impact their job progression or opportunities? You can let Volunteer Midlothian know by emailing

Volunteering Opportunities

Do you have any opportunities for volunteering within your voluntary association, registered charity or SCIO organisation? Do you have roles that could help young people gain the skills and experience needed for the job market and help them progress? This can help give young people a foot up on the career ladder, offer them valuable learning opportunities and grow and develop Midlothian’s young workforce.

If you are a statutory or voluntary organisation and have any opportunities, let Volunteer Midlothian know. They are experts at matching enthusiastic volunteers with the right opportunity so both you and the volunteer can reap the rewards.

Private businesses can take part in Employer Supported Volunteering. Volunteer Midlothian can link businesses with a local organisation where your staff can donate their time as volunteers – a great option for team building or for staff to give back to their local community. Get in touch with Volunteer Midlothian today to find out more.

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