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Easy steps to make your business more environmentally friendly

Local businesses in Midlothian are encouraged to sign the Midlothian Green Pledge to show their support in helping Scotland reach Net Zero by 2045. With so much information on how to become more sustainable, we’ve pulled together some easy steps to make your business more environmentally friendly.

The Climate Emergency

The world is becoming more and more aware of the human and business effects on the environment. With COP26, the UN’s Climate Change Conference, on the horizon and Scotland’s dedication to achieving Net Zero by 2045 it’s essential that we are all doing our bit to contribute to these targets.

Net Zero

Net Zero Scotland outline Net Zero and how we can achieve it as:

‘The amount of greenhouse gas emissions we put into the atmosphere balances with the amount we take out. We can do this by changing our lifestyles to reduce our emissions as much as possible and offsetting emissions we can’t avoid by planting trees, restoring peatland and in future through using carbon-capture technology.’

The Midlothian Green Pledge

The Midlothian Business Carbon Charter and Green Pledge outline Midlothian Council’s climate change declaration and strategy. It provides information about how businesses can aim towards a better, brighter and greener future for us all. The pledge also outlines the fantastic support partners and agencies that businesses can work with to make their operations as environmentally friendly as possible.

How to make your business more environmentally friendly

To achieve net zero, everyone needs to play their part, including businesses. Here are easy steps to make your business more environmentally friendly and contribute to Scotland’s aspirations.

Be energy aware

There are now suppliers who only use renewable sources to provide energy. Switch today and realise the environmental and monetary savings.

On top of this, ensure you and your employees are turning off lights and equipment when not in use or leaving for the day. You can also switch to LED lightbulbs, a more energy efficient light source which lasts 5 times longer and can reduce your energy bills by up to 75%!

Support is available from the experts at Zero Waste Scotland to help you on your energy efficiency journey.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Hundreds of tonnes of office furniture ends up in landfill every year. Instead of adding to this, why no donate it, offer it for sale or uplift via social media for start ups or community groups or find a Revolve certified store who can recycle or reuse the furniture.

Another simple idea is to have a no or low printing policy to reduce the amount of paper, ink and toner cartridges you’re using.

Savvy staff

There’s free CPD certified training that your staff can join to become a Green Champion to help them do their bit for the environment at work and at home. Simple changes such as separating their food waste, taking part in #MeatFreeMonday or using a Smart Meter to track their energy usage can make a big difference. Show them what you’re doing as their employer and set an example, encouraging them to start thinking green. By working together, the task of lowering emissions and reducing our carbon footprint becomes much easier!

Location, location, location

After a year of working from home, it can be tempting to get everyone back in the office. But, by working from home you’re encouraging less travel, less packaged lunches, lower costs on office space and energy bills, all of which reduces your business’s carbon footprint.

Can’t move to working from home? Now is the time to look into low carbon travel. Could you offer a bike to work scheme? Are there car share opportunities or public transport near your office? Or, if you have pool cars, could these move to being electric vehicles? See what steps you could take with The Energy Savings Trust.

Connect with Business Gateway Midlothian

The dedicated advisers at Business Gateway Midlothian are on hand to help your business create a bespoke green action plan. They can introduce you to the Midlothian Carbon Charter and the Midlothian Business Green Pledge to help you on your way to being a more energy efficient, environmentally friendly business. Plus, with a host of regional and national partners, they can put you in touch with the people who can help you achieve your business carbon cutting goals.

Get in touch with Business Gateway Midlothian today.

Sign the Midlothian Green Pledge

This is your opportunity to showcase your support and dedication to achieving Scotland’s net zero target and access support and potential funding for your business as you move to being a greener business.

Sign our pledge and reap the rewards today!

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