Employment Support - Skills Development Scotland

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body and who deliver Scotland’s careers service in schools, in centres and online.

They also support individuals from all communities through a range of inclusive programmes, to increase their work-based and employability skills, enabling them to take their first steps into the labour market, or to make successful career change and progression.

Services include:

Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE)

As the lead partner in PACE, SDS offer free advice and support to individuals or employers facing redundancy.

School Careers Advisers

Careers advisers are based in all Midlothian high schools, delivering career guidance to enable young people from S1-S6 to develop their Career Management Skills. They also offer support to parents to help support their child to make informed decisions.

Post School Service

SDS have a centre in Dalkeith where advisers are available to provide expert career information, advice and guidance to individual of any age. Open by appointment only Monday - Friday 9am -5pm, call 0131 663 7287 to book your appointment. Advice on apprenticeships is also available on their dedicated website.

My World of Work

My World of Work is the award-winning online career information and advice service and is used by pupils throughout their time at school and beyond.

Employability Fund

SDS support unemployed people to move towards and into work. They help them develop the skills and confidence employers are looking for. The Employability Fund supports services which have been developed to address the specific needs of local areas.

Individual Training Accounts (ITA)

Up to £200 towards the cost of a single course or training programme if you meet certain eligibility criteria.

Find Out More

For more information call the local Skills Development Scotland Office on 0131 663 7287 or the national helpline on 0800 917 8000

Alternatively visit www.myworldofwork.com

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