Employment Support - Young Person’s Guarantee

Young Person’s GuaranteeThe Young Person’s Guarantee is funded through Scottish Government to provide flexible, person-centred employability support and training to young people aged 16 to 24 who are:

  • Unemployed (excluding those in full time education)
  • About to leave school without a positive destination
  • A school leaver without a positive destination
  • In low paid employment
  • At risk of redundancy
  • At risk of losing an apprenticeship
  • Leaving training, volunteering, college or university without a positive destination
  • Low–skilled
  • Without qualifications at SCQF Level 5 or above
  • Underemployed 

The aim is to ensure that all young people in Scotland have the chance to succeed, despite the economic impacts of coronavirus, with a guaranteed opportunity of work, education or training.

Opportunity and ambition

The guarantee will provide young people with an opportunity, based on their own circumstances and ambitions, of going to university or college, joining an apprenticeship programme, undertaking training, accessing fair employment including work experience or participating in a formal volunteering programme.

If you’re a young person aged 16 to 24…

The Young Person’s Guarantee will provide you with:

  • Tailored and holistic 1 to 1 support from a dedicated key worker
  • Employment opportunities, with the offer of wage subsidies for participating employers
  • Accredited learning opportunities and assistance with moving on to further and higher education
  • Support to enable you to sustain employment, apprenticeship and education opportunities
  • Access to supported volunteering or work placement opportunities
  • Support to address and improve health, financial and other barriers to entering employment, education or training.

If you’re an employer…

The Young Person’s Guarantee can provide you with:

  • Wage subsidies of up to £6000 to support eligible young people in new jobs/Modern Apprenticeships
  • Pre and in work support to ensure young people are prepared for and supported in the workplace
  • Advice and assistance to create apprenticeship and learning opportunities for young people
  • The scope to invest in a skilled workforce for the future and build the workforce they need
  • The chance to help young people achieve their potential and prepare for the world of work
  • The opportunity to be involved in creating a fair and inclusive workplace that supports all young people, despite the barriers they may face.


  • Midlothian Council will work with employers, further/ higher education and the third sector to support and enable young people aged 16 to 24 to access suitable opportunities according to their individual needs, aims and ambitions
  • Expressions of interest from employers welcome

For more information

Get in touch with the Midlothian Council Communities & Lifelong Learning team: