Digital technology has the potential to make Edinburgh and South East Scotland the data capital of Europe.

Data Driven Innovation (DDI)

We are heavily involved with the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal in its accelerating growth model. DDI is a spin off from the Deal, and related to collaborations on data-based projects in the public, private and third sectors. It reflects the importance of data in economic growth, social change, and public services. DDI will increase the contribution of university research and in-demand graduate skills to the region’s economy, which will:

  • Launch more spinout companies
  • Attract start-ups and established businesses
  • Drive public and private sector investment

Five data-driven innovation ‘hubs’ have been created across the region, with one campus at Easter Bush, Midlothian. 

Midlothian and the University of Edinburgh have invested heavily in DDI: the Newbattle Digital Centre for Excellence prepares young people with the data and digital skills for the future world of work, and fosters digital inclusion. This allows young people to engage in a wider programme around data skills. 

Our DDI skills activity is inclusive: the whole population can benefit from opportunities to develop data literacy skills, and to prepare for the future world of work.

More on DDI:

YouTube: University of Edinburgh’s role in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal

Image: Rosslyn Chapel