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Midlothian Council Economic Development Service Update

We have lots going on within the Midlothian Council Economic Development service and want to keep you up to date on our initiatives, business support and exciting developments.

New Team Members

We are looking forward to welcoming 3 new members to the Economic Development Service in August.  Externally funded through the Scottish Governments’ Local Authority Covid Economic Recover (LACER) fund and The Shared Prosperity Fund, 2 of the Officers will build on our Community Wealth Building activity including further progression of the Local Procurement Strategy. The third Officer will lead on the development of Midlothian’s Tourism, Culture and Heritage offer working with Midlothian Tourism Forum and regional partners to deliver on the Edinburgh and South East City Deal Regional Prosperity Framework’s Visitor Economy Programme.

Single Midlothian Plan

Through the Midlothian Community Planning Partnership, the Single Midlothian Plan outlines all of the work that the Partnership will be delivering throughout the four year period 2023-2027 and is available to view on the Midlothian Council website.

The Wellbeing Economy section of the Single Midlothian Plan is led by the Economic Development service. Our priority is to develop a Midlothian wide Community Wealth Building Action Plan to transform the way council and anchor organisations deliver services in our communities. By working in partnership we can achieve much stronger and lasting outcomes.

A wellbeing economy ensures a good quality of life for those who call Midlothian home, with access to whatever they need to be happy and healthy, whilst ensuring we protect and care for the planet.

Community Wealth Building

Community Wealth Building is an internationally recognised approach to strengthening local economies.  We actions we are taking to build community wealth and increase entrepreneurship in Midlothian. You can find full details on our Community Wealth Building webpage. This page also has details of the Shared Prosperity Funding that we will be launching soon to support Community Wealth Building, Tourism, Exporting and Innovation.

We are also in the final stages of developing our new economic strategy to achieve a Wellbeing Economy in Midlothian that will support our communities, businesses and town centres to thrive, ensuring inclusivity and fair work for all.

Business Gateway Midlothian

The Economic Development Service also delivers the Business Gateway Midlothian service. This is open to all businesses and third sector organisations based in Midlothian, at all stages of their lifecycle, and provides a dedicated Adviser who will work with you to plan for future goals, overcome current challenges and provide support for your business ideas.

We have a suite of webinars that are free to access and also hold regular networking events throughout the year, keep an eye on our social media channels!

Business Associations

We are currently supporting businesses and 3rd sector organisations to develop business associations.

Business Associations provide an opportunity for businesses to collaborate, learn and support each other, further localise supply chains, cross refer for services and provide cooperative opportunities to bid for public and commercial tenders. A Business Association allows for more support from Midlothian Council and other enterprise agencies as it is one voice representing many businesses.

Business Associations can include themes such as Food & Drink or Green Trades or can be location based.

A number of Business Associations are currently in development but if you have an idea for a new one or are keen to find out more about joining one, please do get in touch with our Advisers to discuss further.

Midlothian Business Green Pledge

And finally, Midlothian businesses are pulling out all the stops to achieve net zero in Midlothian by 2030. If you haven’t already signed up to the Midlothian Business Green Pledge then please do!

We’ll also be hosting an in person event during Scotland’s Climate Week 2023 at The Energy Training Academy’s amazing new training facility in Dalkeith on the 29th September 2023. Keep an eye on our social channels where we’ll be releasing further details about this event nearer the time.

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