How your personal information is used by Economic Development.

Here at Midlothian Council, we take your privacy seriously. Under the Data Protection Act 2018, you have a right to know how we collect, use and share your personal data.

This privacy notice explains the information we need in order to carry out Business Gateway, Tyne Esk LEADER, and Economic Development services. This activity is part of the Communities and Economy Service provided by Midlothian Council. More information about the Communities and Economy privacy notice can be found by clicking here

Our Privacy Promise

We promise to collect, process, store and share your data safely and securely.

What lets us collect your information?

If we work with you we will be acting under some, or all, of the legislation noted below:

  • Local Government (Scotland) Act 2003

What kinds of personal data do we collect?

The personal data we collect might include your name, date of birth, address, National Insurance number, or other information that identifies you.  If necessary, we might also collect what is called ‘special category’ data – that is, sensitive information such as medical/health information.

How do we collect your personal data?

We collect your personal data in many different ways. You might give us your personal data yourself, by entering your information in a form on the Council website or by contacting a Council officer in person, in writing or over the phone. We might also receive your personal data from other agencies or local authorities. If we share information regularly with another organisation, the conditions for sharing your personal data are set out in an Information Sharing Agreement.

How do we use your personal data?

We require you to provide certain information so that we can adequately respond to your query.  We may also pass your details to other services within the local authority e.g. planning that may be better suited to deal with your query.  We may also use your information for marketing purposes.  This will include information on programmes, services, and products we provide or commission others to provide on our behalf such as seminars and training opportunities that may be of interest to you.

We also use your information to improve our products and services, by providing more tailored products and services and to help us understand your needs better e.g. through internal research, data analysis and market research.

Why do we share your personal data?

We may be required to pass your details to commissioned third parties who carry out services on our behalf. So that we can do this we may pass your details to other parties who carry out surveys, questionnaires and customer evaluations for us.

With whom do we share your personal data?

If necessary, we might share your personal data with other agencies and authorities, depending on the service being provided. We will only share your personal data if it is necessary to do so, and the appropriate conditions have been met.

The external bodies with whom we share Economic Development and business information might include (organisations with a star are mandatory):

  • Scottish Government
  • Scottish Enterprise
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Scottish Funding Council
  • Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
  • Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)
  • Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • NHS, other Councils (City Region and wider)
  • Midlothian Financial Inclusion Network (MFIN)
  • Social Enterprise Alliance Midlothian (SEAM)
  • National Farmers Union of Scotland
  • Firstport – free business support for social enterprise
  • Further and Higher Education – Edinburgh College, Newbattle Abbey College, University of Edinburgh, Queen Margaret University, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Napier University, etc.

Personal data also might be shared between Midlothian Council services, including Schools.

How long do we keep your personal data?

Your personal data is kept in line with Midlothian Council’s Retention Schedule. The retention schedule sets out the kinds of information the Council creates and uses, how long it should be kept, and what should be done with it at the end of its ‘life’. To access our retention schedule please click on the link below:

Further Information

 You can also find out more about how we use your information to detect and prevent fraud or crime, information collected through our website, recorded telephone calls, CCTV, the rights you have under the Data Protection Act, and how to contact us by referring to the overarching Midlothian Privacy Notice here