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Business Support – Business Gateway Midlothian webinars 22nd – 28th March

Discover the Business Gateway Midlothian Webinars running from 22nd – 28th March that can provide business support for you on your business journey.

With some light at the end of the tunnel, you may be looking at how to take your business forward after an unprecedented year. After a year of working from home, it might time to re-evaluate your HR policies. Perhaps you need to gain a better understanding of what Brexit means for your business. Or, you may be looking at ways to adapt your business after a tough year. Whatever your business needs are our webinars can provide learning, advice and upskilling to support your business growth.

HR – The essentials for running a business

22nd March, 12pm – 2pm

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to many businesses reviewing their HR processes including hiring, remote working and hours of work. Discover effective ways to manage your team in a remote environment, ensure that your employees’ mental health is supported and learn how to hire and onboard new employees during a pandemic.

Some businesses may need to make difficult decisions about their company structure that could lead to redundancies. Learn how this can be managed smoothly for you and your employees.

Book your place today.

For further redundancy support contact PACE.

Trading with The EU for Small Businesses

23rd March, 10am – 11.30am

Does your business import goods from the EU or export to the EU? Make sure you’re keeping up to date with the new rules brought in on 1st January when the UK left the EU. Funding is available for businesses to help with the transition, discover if you’re eligible and how to access this, ensure you understand the legal requirements around GDPR and find out how you can continue to hire EU nationals.

Brexit has challenged many small businesses so register for this free webinar to ensure you are up to date with new regulations.

Search engine optimisation for tourism businesses – Part 1

25th March, 10am – 11.30am

In partnership with VisitScotland, this special DigitalBoost webinar is designed to help Tourism businesses improve their search engine results. As Google constantly updates the way it presents information in search results, it’s more vital than ever to understand how to get your tourism business showing in the right way at the exact time your visitor is looking for it.

This is the first of two sessions showing you simple steps and free tools you can use to improve your SEO. Sign up now to keep ahead of the competition.

Business Survival – Advice, tips and actions you can take right now

25th March, 5.30pm – 7.30pm

This webinar gives you the opportunity to objectively assess your business as it stands just now. After a year involving COVID-19 and Brexit, many businesses are struggling to develop their long term survival and growth strategy. Use this time to explore how you can adapt your business to survive thrive and plan your strategy for the future of your business.

Book your place and navigate your business through challenging times and gain the business support needed.

Business Support

Business Gateway Midlothian is here to help you and your business. Get in touch today for dedicated adviser support, whatever stage your business.

Upcoming Business Gateway Midlothian Webinars available to book now

HR – The essentials for running a business

Trading with The EU for Small Businesses

Mastering Selling Skills

Sales – How to find them, make them and keep them

Business Start up: Business Planning

LinkedIn for Business

Business Start up: Business Planning

Search engine optimisation for tourism businesses – Part 1

Time Management

Making Tax Digital – How Will It Affect My Business

Business Survival – Advice, tips and actions you can take right now

Improve Your Business Content Writing

Structuring Your Business Finances

Getting Started with Google and SEO

HR – The essentials for running a business

Instagram for Business

Women in Business 4: Money Matters

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